Job Openings (Vacancies)

PhD and Research Assistant positions

Research Assistant (f/m/d)

  • Code 6510, full-time position (salary group E13 TV-L)
  • Research on knowledge graph robustness
  • Collaboration in the activities of the SAIL network
  • PDF for reference no. 6510

Research Assistant (f/m/d)

  • Code 6515, half-time position (50%) (salary group E13 TV-L)
  • Development of an agent-based dialog system and a speech recognition module
  • PDF for reference no. 6515


To apply for a PhD position:

  1. Send your request to Simone Auinger (
    Inquiries pertaining to technical positions can be also directed to Michael Röder (
  2. E-mail subject (replace the Job-ID with the reference number of the position): Application for Job-ID.
  3. Please use PDF for attachments.


Excellent candidates are invited to apply with:

  1. Curriculum vitae and copies of degree certificates/transcripts,
  2. Writing samples/copies of relevant scientific papers (e.g. thesis),
  3. A short statement of research and/or technology interest,
  4. Letters of recommendation.

Student Assistant positions

We offer student assistant positions to work with us on research and teaching projects (SHK/WHB with up to 19h/week). Available positions will be listed here.

To apply for one or several assistant positions, please fill our application form .

Additional positions at Paderborn University

Vacancies at Paderborn University and scientific employees at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics