Learn RDF - Semantic Web learning resources
3 years ago by Adrian Wilke
This is a link list of free RDF learning resources for beginners. It is also related to topics like the Semantic Web and Knowledge Graphs.
We used Twitter and the hashtag #learnRDF to collect the resources. If you are aware of additional high-quality resources, please feel free to use the hashtag and/or reply to the original tweet 🐣. Share your knowledge and let the community grow.
Articles & Introductions
- RDF 1.1 Primer of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Contents: Resource Description Framework (RDF), Triples, Vocabularies, serializations (e.g. Turtle, JSON-LD, RDF/XML). 🐣 - RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Contents: Similar to the primer above; Graphs, triples, namespaces, datatypes. 🐣 - Semantic Web Technologies and Knowledge Graphs
is a course of the Alan Turing Institute. It contains slides and exercises with solutions in Java and Python. 🐣
Videos of lectures
- Information Service Engineering (ISE) lecture at YouTube
Each single lecture comes with a related playlist. In the video comments you'll find links to the slides used in the videos. 🐣 - Knowledge Graphs lecture videos at openHPI
Contents: Knowledge representation, Semantic Web, RDF, SPARQL, OWL, Knowledge Graphs, Applications. 🐣 - Harald Sack at openHPI
Lectures with overlapping contents from different years: Knowledge Graphs, Information Service Engineering, Linked Data Engineering, Semantic Web Technologies. 🐣
Related to programming languages
- Apache Jena
Jena is a Java RDF Framework. The packages and dependencies are available via Maven. 🐣 - A Gateway to Knowledge Graphs
R language, using the rdflib R package. 🐣
Advanced topics
- Holistic Benchmarking of Big Linked Data and the related slides provide fundamentals of data integration in RDF, e.g. for Link Discovery. 🐣
Resources in German
- Semantic Web Technologien
Lecture videos of Harald Sack at HPI tele-TASK in German. 🐣 - Harald Sack at HPI tele-TASK
All lecture videos of Harald Sack, mostly in German. 🐣 - Wikipedia: Semantic Web & Resource Description Framework. 🐣
Limited access (Paderborn University)
- UPB Library: Semantic Web
Search for semantic web books accessible inside the UPB network (VPN). 🐣