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DICE supports the Bremen Big Data Challenge 2023

2 years ago by Dr. rer. nat. Michael Röder

We are happy to announce that DICE supports the Bremen Big Data Challenge 2023. The challenge is organized by the Cognitive Systems Lab of the University of Bremen and invites students and professional to tackle a data analysis problem. The challenge starts on March 1st and ends on March 31st. Hence, participants have roughly four weeks to develop algorithms and analysis methods to find patterns in labeled data in order to make predictions on unseen data.

This year is the first time that the challenge has a Competition Space with a Student Track and a Professional Track. So everybody is allowed to participate, even if you are not a student, anymore. You can participate as an individual or as a team comprising up to 3 people.

The best submissions in both tracks will be awarded with a trophy, medals and prices of up to 500€!

So have a look at the BBDC web page, register for the newsletter, get the task description on March 1st and block some time in March to tackle this challenge!

In case you have questions, you can participate in the Opening Ceremony on March 3rd at which the task is explained in detail. In addition, there will be a question and answer session on March 17th. Both events will take place online.

The BBDC is sponsored by JUST ADD AI, neuland – Büro für Informatik, and Die Sparkasse Bremen. The challenge is supported by the Alfred-Wegener-Institut(Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung), the high-profile area Minds, Media, Machines at the University Bremen, and the DICE research group.